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These days, there are various ways of approaching a translation project. You should ask yourself several questions in order to choose the best option.

Do you think this translation is strategic for you? How will it impact your brand image? Do you want to expand into a new market?

What is your main goal? Do you want to target a specific audience? What is the purpose of your text?

Will it be distributed publicly or internally?

By clarifying these different aspects, we will be able to choose the most suitable package together, and decide how many sets of eyes will be needed.

Three linguists are involved in translating your documents. A translator to translate the text, an editor to check it against your source file to ensure it is fluent and coherent and to make improvements, then a proof-reader, to correct any typos in the final text.

This package reflects the quality standard we have set ourselves for 30 years, which goes beyond the quality required by our ISO 17100 certification. Many of our clients choose this package for peace of mind with their international communications, so they can ensure that their brand image is perfectly reflected around the world.

Two linguists handle your translation. One of them translates the text, and the second one edits (reviews) it. The editor improves the style, ensures the text flows well and spots any typos.

This package corresponds to the ISO 17100 standard by providing a level of quality that meets its requirements.

It is suitable for any content that doesn’t have specific requirements. You would need the VI Quality package for content that is specific to certain fields or that targets specific audiences, particularly if they require subtle cultural adaptations.

The use of machine translation is combined with varying levels of human input.

Machine translation + Post-editing + Editing

Two linguists work on your translation. The first draws on the machine translation output to rework the text in keeping with your source document (post-editing). The post-editor checks its overall coherence by focusing on the meaning. The second edits (reviews) the text by improving the style, ensuring it flows well and correcting any typos.

This solution saves time if you are in a hurry or if your document is well suited to this process. This is not always the case. We test whether or not we should use it in advance, so we can ensure the highest possible quality.

Machine translation + Post-editing

Here, the machine translation is followed by post-editing only (i.e. a complete review of the output), which is handled by one linguist. The linguist edits the text to check that there are no meaning errors with respect to the source document, and corrects any spelling errors. But they don’t rework the style or fluency.

This package is suitable for texts that are not intended to be widely distributed and for which a correct, but not exceptional, translation is sufficient.

Send us your translation project for a quote.
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La traduction automatique

La traduction automatique a aujourd’hui atteint un niveau très satisfaisant et les recherches autour de l’IA (deep Learning, NMT*, etc.) nous réservent des avancées significatives dans les années à venir.

Si le souci permanent de qualité nous guide et si la qualité est au rendez-vous, pourquoi lui tourner le dos ?

Néanmoins, face aux lacunes toujours notables (même si parfois subtiles à détecter) de la MT, les linguistes veillent. Ainsi, pour les prestations de traductions, il est indispensable de vérifier et de corriger le travail de la machine.

Si l’on souhaite une qualité irréprochable, deux paires d’yeux doivent se pencher sur le texte. Si l’enjeu est moindre une validation peut suffire. Deux linguistes pour réviser les contenus venus de la MT sont nécessaires pour les documents jugés « sensibles ».

De la même façon, pour les nuances créatives et culturelles, la MT a ses limites. Ainsi la transcréation et la localisation requièrent une adaptation culturelle donc une approche humaine. Hormis pour s’amuser, on ne confierait pas à la machine la traduction d’une base line ou des supports de lancement d’un produit quand ils sont destinés à des audiences culturelles très différentes.

Lorsque nous proposons des prestations de traduction à l’aide de la MT, c’est que nous avons parfaitement évalué sa pertinence vis-à-vis du type des contenus concernés ou que le client choisit en toute connaissance de cause d’avoir une prestation plus économique avec une validation simplifiée.

Ainsi, si nous proposons l’aide de la MT, c’est pour une réduction des coûts qui pourra atteindre 25 % par rapport au prix initial.